Tuesday, 15 April 2008

In East Java

Was in Kecamatan Gondosuli, Probolinggo, East Java one early, cloudy morning. Only to find the farmer was just started ploughing his farm. The rice was harvested last week and tobacco will be planted next. Maize will come after tobacco is over.

p/s Sara, East Java is absolutely amazing.


taja said...

land of fertility

Anonymous said...

i really like d sky scene.... Ya Allah.... cantikkkkkk.....

Anonymous said...

This is 'oh so beautiful'! Amazing! Infra red ke?

Anonymous said...

Nice shot bro....

Anonymous said...


sara! said...

Indeed :) I think you know the place these days better than me. Used to go there backpacking when I was young. The last visit (not exploring tho!) was 13 years ago!

Lovely pic - do you have the colour version?

sara! said...
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wmsoo said...

The land is so fertile and the people is so productive. Indeed this is land of heaven to the agriculturist.

Daqiela, yes the sky is just like that. It was heavily cloudy that morning.

Sayanura, no, this is a normal B&W, not IR, l am not a fan of IR though!

Thanks Lamaq and welcome to the life of blogging.

Sara, for sure, u r still a native. l am, continously be a visitor. l may know only this part!