My Identity Card carries a serial number, started with 650109, which they say, marked your birthdate. Well, the date above stated the same, which may mean, my birthdate annivesary is today.
Well, maybe not really. My mother told me, when l was born, the tengkujuh was in it's peak, which l always assume, is in the last week of December. So peak that my beloved father was unable to visit the Balai Polis yang berhampiran for repot beranak.
Water did receded, maybe about 10 days later, and it was only then the Sr. had the chance, with whatever resources that he had then, to go to the Balai Polis yang berhampiran for repot beranak. Thus the Jr was officially born on 650109...
Oh, during that time, it was a common phenomenon for the orang kampong like us...
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Heheheppi besday!!!
happy birthday
selamat harijadi yg ke 42! nasib baik 10 hari je lambat. Kawan sekolah aku budak Rantau Panjang/Golok lewat 3 tahun.
Itu kes lewat. Kes advance pun ada gak - di KB. Tarikh lahir seminggu lepas tarikh daftar ... hehehe ... Tuan badan tak perasan selama ni; anaknya yang perasan - dah hampir setengah abad baru perasan.
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