Friday, 15 December 2006

Of Movie and Book

A few evenings ago, RTM2 has decided to show "Message In The Bottle", a screenplay derived from the paperback of the same title by Nicholas Sparks and actored by Kevin Costner. It was a romantic movie and always be our all time favorite together with "Sleepless in Seattle", "U've Got Mail", "Hang Tuah" and "Ibu Mertuaku"...

I always feel "cheated" whenever l go trough the movie that originated from the book of which l read before. It's some kind of "diluted" from what the writer put it in the first place. In the book, we read it with imagination. In the movie, we saw it as what it was put on the screen...

A glimpse from the book...

"A cold December wind was blowing, and Theresa Osborne crossed her arms as she stared out over the water. Earlier, when she'd arrived, there had been a few people walking along the shore, but they'd taken note of the clouds and were long since gone. Now she found herself alone on the beach, and she took in her surroundings. The ocean, reflecting the color of the sky, looked like a liquid iron, and waves rolled up steadily on the shore"
Message In The Bottle, Nicholas Sparks, Warner Vision

And here is my vision...
Far cry...

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